Thursday, June 11, 2009

Post-Op Tranny

I have no clue how Rey even knew that I posted a new blog, but it kinda made me feel special that someone read my pre-op ramblings about my jitters. Thanks Rey!

I am happy to report that I am doing way better than I expected. The surgery went really well. in fact I got in early and was back home by 4:30PM. I was in so little pain (thanks to a percocet and Tylenol 3) that I took my friend out to dinner to thank him for being my chaperon. It was a little painful watching him eat a really yummy looking chicken dish while I could only down a few maduros. But I was happy to be on my feet so quickly after general anesthesia.

Today is day three and the pain has finally set in. I am not gonna lie, my throat is on fire! But as I mentioned in the last post, I know that in the end the pain now will all be worth it.

And so I am left wondering why I caused myself so much angst the night before the surgery. I guess not knowing what the future holds for me is scary, but for some reason I tend to make things even worse than they need be. Why??


Blogger Rey Rey said...

Truly, you're real name is Chastity Bono, isn't it? And it really WASN'T a tonsilectomy, was it?

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yippee - another reason to eat maduros! Who's Rey?

5:07 PM  

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