Annoying Co-Workers

So we all have one (if not more), that person in the office who you just can’t stand to be around, that you avoid getting caught in the kitchen with and that you have blocked on your AIM. The Annoying Co-Worker (ACW).
I am currently dealing with my own ACW. I’ve never felt so trapped in my own office. She is the neediest person I have ever met. And she has no idea how annoying she is.
First of all, she grates on my nerves. Her mere existence is a thorn in my side. One of her many flaws is that she does not know how to end a conversation. If she comes by your desk, she will chat on about nothing for hours on end and totally disregard the fact that we are at work, and that I might actually have things to do. Fortunately, I have mastered a technique that ends the conversation; I head to the bathroom – my sanctuary away from this pest. Thank goodness we don’t have co-ed bathrooms like on Alley McBeal. However, she is oblivious to her own level annoyance and has yet to figure out that I end every conversation with a trip to the bathroom. Clue phone, ringing off the hook!!! Please pick up!
I feel bad for my female co-workers who can’t avoid her with the “I have to pee” excuse. A female co-worker tried my surefire technique and she was followed in the bathroom and back out…extending the conversation even longer. Oh and did I mention she is loud when she comes over to talk, and then babbles on about a relationship that we all think is made up and about sports which you all know I don’t give a fuck about.
Here is where I am at fault. In fact we all are at fault because no one wants to attack the problem first hand. We are held captive and live in fear of just confronting her. I mean how hard would it be to just say, “Yes, I blocked you from IM because you are annoying and I don’t want to talk to you!” or “Woman, when I stop paying attention to you that means the conversation is over!”
Now I know there are the bleeding hearts out there who think that I am cruel and that perhaps I am a mean co-worker. I mean after all she is just trying to fit in, make new friends – too bad I don’t want to be her friend.
My rule to my co-workers and friends is that if I am annoying please just tell me. I wish I could just tell her how I feel. Perhaps she will stumble upon this Blog and think to herself, oh my god this is me! But no, she would be more apt to say, “Oh my god, I know I have this annoying co-worker, too.”
Will the light bulb ever go on for her?
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