SOHO House

The following questions are from page 5(out of 6) of the application for membership at SOHO House. How would you answer these? Remember your acceptance to this exclusive members-only club is based on your answers! Gotta love NYC.
1. What is your favorite bar?
2. What is your favorite restaurant?
3. What is your favorite hotel?
4. What makes you laugh? (10 words or fewer)
5. How do you think your friends would describe you? (25 words or fewer)
My answers:
1. Eagle NYC
2. Tie between Food Bar(I love the French Fries) and The Ear Inn (The huge bucket of muscles for $5.95!)
3. SOHO House (Do I get extra points for sucking up?)
4. Two words: This application! (Is sarcasm bad?)
5. Pablo is articulate, charming, clean, creative, friendly, funny, handsome, happy, intelligent, personable, snarky, successful, well dressed, well groomed, and witty.
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