Two Steps Forward…Two Steps Back

No I am not giving a shout out to the famous Paula Abdul song; this is what has happened since my last post.
So I was doing so well about not having any casual relations with men who just suck my soul dry. I even had the conversation with the “Married” guy. Long story short, I think he is in denial about his “relationship” with me. Perhaps he can just have recreational sex devoid of feelings, but I can’t. So we’ve decided to just be friends. We will see how long that lasts. I’m not initiating any of the conversations, but I am not going to be rude and not respond if he e-mails or texts me.
But here is where I just took a few steps back. My Aussie friend invited me to hang out with him and some of his mates visiting from Australia on Sunday. So I met them for a lunch at one of my Chelsea favorites, Vynl!
I am the first to admit that I am a sucker for a British or Australian accent. And all you have to do is look back at my previous posts to know where this one is headed.
Naturally, I was immediately smitten with one of his friends. He was so much my type. Shaved head, great body, funny, and that accent…turns out he was raised in the UK, but moved to Australia about 15 years ago.
As usual, I wasn’t sure what he thought of me due to my low self-esteem. He and his friends were off to see a Broadway show that evening, but I had hoped that we would all hang out later that night. Interestingly enough I was told he was using my friend’s old pay as you go cell phone, so I sent him a text to see where he ended up.
I was feeling conflicted, partly cause I had vowed no casual sex and partly because I still didn’t think he was interested. Much to my surprise, he responded back, but unfortunately he was tired and was heading back to his hotel.
The next day we exchanged a few text messages and we made plans to hang out on Tuesday. I love NYC and enjoy sharing it will tourists. Perhaps I should be come a tour guide?!? So even if he wasn’t interested I knew I would have a good time.
We met for Lunch and then walked all over the city. I was very flirty, as was he, but still couldn’t figure out if this was going to go anywhere. We really hit it off, and had such a connection. As much as I loved his accent, he had a thing for American accents as well – this is where Estelle’s “American Boy” should be playing in your head. He actually said, “I love your accent” and “I’ve been walking around with a semi-erection all day!” Was this perhaps a hint that he liked me?
He had plans to meet his friends later at a roof top bar, but I wasn’t dressed for it, so I went back home change.
I met up with him and his friends, and then we decided to grab dinner at another of my favorite eateries, Room Service. After dinner his friends retired to their hotel, leaving me and my “Man” alone on the street in an awkward what do we do next moment. We decided to grab drinks. We started at G (still couldn’t figure him out) and then moved onto Barracuda. In between bars, he said “How far is it back to your place? You can stay at my hotel if it’s too late for you to go home at this hour” – perhaps hint number two?
We stopped after our second drink, both not wanting to get too inebriated. And again, we were stuck in an awkward what we do next moment. But this time we both managed to get some courage and just go for it:
He asked, “What are you going to do with me now?”
“I don’t know, what do you want me to do with You?” (You can’t make this shit up!)
And that is when we both leaned in to kiss each other. We retired back to his hotel, and the rest is history. We spent Wednesday afternoon with his friends, had drinks at Nisos and a nice meal at Fatty Crab. Later we met up with my Aussie friend who introduced us and another friend of his who just arrived that evening from Australia.
We went back to his hotel again that night had a lovely shag, then feel asleep cuddled in each others arms. We awoke and had a lovely breakfast, took another walk around town, and then kissed farewell before a cab whisked him off to the airport.
All this leaves me here wondering why is it that I can have such intense connections with men who don’t live here?
He was very much my type physically, sexual and intellectually. And I am happy to have had the experience with him, but I know that we may never see one another again. I’m sure that we will keep in touch, like I have with the other out-of-towners that have passed through my life, but a little part of me just wishes I could meet someone who would stick around for a while.
And that’s my story!
Dude, my head is spinning. Let me take a brief rest to process and I'll see what I can come up with. I do think that the "low self-esteem" is a bit too easy - and I'm really not sure that that's the issue (I'm no Dr. Phil), but we'll get there.
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