Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Writers Blog two

It has been almost a week since I updated my blog. So much has happened during this time, but I am just not in the mood to air out my dirty laundry here (gasp…me not wanting to talk about myself!?!?).

But to tide everyone over, I will say that I am looking forward to the fall television line up. I can’t wait to lose myself in the fictional lives of the characters I love so much. Most looking forward to Las Vegas and Medium. Hey TV buffs, any other new shows I should look out for?

Also, I can’t wait for the next cycle of America’s Next Top Model, although I am a bit apprehensive about Tiggy filling in for my girl Janice Dickenson. You just can’t replace her.

Well that is it for today. I promise that I’ll be back tomorrow, full force – bigger, louder, and funnier.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My Safety Net Has A Hole In It

Ever do something because you perceived it to be the right thing to do or the safe route? In July, I took a job for a few simple reasons:
1) I Needed a Job
2) I Needed Health Insurance
3) The Money was Good
4) The Hours were Good

Keep in mind that it was not my Dream Job. But you gotta do what you gotta do to survive in this town. I know that I choose to live in one of the most difficult places to live. And I do so out of personal necessity, as I don't think I would feel comfortable anywhere else in the world.

So here I am thinking that now I have this job, and the opportunity to learn some new skills sets, make money and at the very least have the security to "get paid" to look for another job.

Well all that changed yesterday. It turns out that my safety net has a hole in it -- my boss announced her resignation from the company. I'll admit that I am one to jump to conclusions -- so I immediately thought that I am out of a job.

Seeing as though it is the end of summer and no one is actually in the office, I don't have any answers for certain yet. There is the chance that I will be kept on, redistributed to another area. But being the pessimist that I am, I assume the worst and have begun a full on job search (not that I haven't been looking all along).

What is the lesson learned from this ordeal? I think it is that I should just take the risks that life throws my way, because it turns out the safe route has not been too safe after all.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Comfortable In Your Own Skin

What do you see in when you look in the mirror? Are you happy with what you see? Do you obsess over your body?

Like many other people, I am a victim of my own body conscious mind.

Growing up I was called thin, skinny, scrawny, gawky, bean pole (you get the picture), and I wanted nothing more than to be big and strong...face it I wanted to be Hercules (and what man doesn't?).

When I look in the mirror now, I mentally know that I am "bigger", more muscular and it is thanks to the hours I spend each week in the gym. But for some reason it is still not enough. I want more ("I want an Ompa-lumpa daddy!")

Why am I (and everyone else I know) like this? To begin with, the media imagery and practice of plastic surgery make us feel that perfection is out there.

We all know those skinny bitches on magazine covers are airbrushed, that the fat was sucked out of you favorite celebrity's ass and pumped into his/her lips and that the really buff guy at the gym has help from injections of steroids.

But I will admit that I don't feel pop culture is really to blame here. I mean we are all rational, logical thinking adults and should know that perfection doesn't really exist. Having surgery, doing drugs or trying the new fad diet really only puts you at risk. You may look good but if you die tomorrow does it really matter?

So what is my message? Well, I think it is important to wake up and realize that your body can only be what it was intended to be (and here is the shocker, that might not be exactly what you want imagined it to be)

Remember, all the exercise is good even though you may not have those 18" biceps you want. And if you really want to drop a dress/pant size, eating healthy and exercising is the surefire method.

Be happy with who you are and be realistic about what you can be. It is healthier in the long run.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Man's Best Friend is my Foe

I was chatting with a friend of mine about dating people with pets. I know all the dog and cat lovers and PETA people will not agree with me on this one, but I refuse to date someone with a pet. Here are my reasons why:

1) I am allergic to pet dander: Seriously, I get all itchy and sneeze a lot. It's not cute at all. Blame my parents for that one. Bad DNA and studies show that kids who are not exposed to pets at an early age develop allergies later in life.

2) I will not come second to a four legged creature: I am needy enough in a relationship, and I refuse to have any attention diverted from me onto an animal - who only loves the owner cause they are the hand that feeds them!

Time to open the floor for discussion. Thoughts & comments are always welcome.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


If you know me, you know that I am not a "Family Oriented" kind of guy. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents and enjoy my crazy relatives (in small doses). But I have no desire to ever have a "family" of my own. I plan to be a DINK (Dual income no kids!).

But lately I have been watching a lot of the ABC Family Channel. First off, it’s a lot like Lifetime Television – another station that I find myself watching, all too often.

ABC Family mostly airs made for TV movies. And I am pleased to say that the programs aren't as conservative and wholesome as one would expect from a "family channel". The programs often deal with single parents having sex and/or teens having sex. Several of the movies have even had a homosexual character.

Recently, the channel has started airing weekly original series programs. One of my favorites is Wildfire. It’s like The O.C., but set on a horse farm. The show is about the Ritter family's struggle to keep the horse farm in business. A horse named Wildfire is their only hope.

The teen characters (Kris, Matt and Junior) are the main focus, but the adults get in on the drama and action, too. Maybe that is why it’s the ABC Family Channel – cause the programming appeals to everyone in the family?

Last night's show was the obilagtory "parents go away and the kids have a party episode." I was skeptical at first, but the creators/writers surprised me with a few good twists.

If you haven't checked the show out yet, please do so. And I just found out today that it has been picked up for a second season (13 more episodes).

Monday, August 15, 2005

Blog of the Week!

I have really enjoyed reading the other blog sites since starting my own. So I decided to nominate one blog a week as my Blog of the Week.

This week's award goes out to 14 and her sight She is an amazing artist and is wickedly funny. Check out her graphic interpretations of gossip and pop culture.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I Hate Shopping!

So all my girl friends love to shop -- well I don't. I'll admit I like new clothes and good knows I need some. Unfortunately, the act of picking them out, trying them on, and paying for them is my least favorite activity.

Why? For starters, I have body issues. And because of this, I am very particular on the fit, style and color of things. And to top it off I am tall and thin -- something most of America is not -- so finding things in my size is always hard. Shopping feels like a chore to me!

Oh, and lets just face it, I am cheap to boot! I can't see spending large sums of money on clothing. Seriously, jeans should not cost over $100. I like a nicely tailored outfit, but labels don't impress me much.

So there I was yesterday shopping for a bathing suit. I know, summer is almost over, so why find a suit now...Well I was hoping to find a good sale. Fortunately, I did. After much hemming and hawing I walked away with three new suits. All for the price of one (I do love a bargain).

At the store I was greeted by the designer, you got to love boutiques in NYC for that fact alone. I know my tastes are fairly plain - and black will always be my "color" of choice. But some how I was persuaded into buying green and Hawaiian print suits as well. These suits probably won't see the light of day, but I like knowing I have options.

I know my tastes aren't all bad, but my wardrobe does need some updating. Perhaps I should be a charity case on "What Not To Wear" -- I could do some damage with my personal shoppers and a $5000 debit card.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Dr Pepper Haiku

Feeling so damn tired
I call you my liquid crack
Fill me with caffeine

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Life Lessons Learned from Carrie Bradshaw

Last night I was watching Sex and the City on TBS. It’s not the same as the original version on HBO. However, thanks to strong writing and some good editing, it is still thought provoking, relevant and funny.

Last night's episode was the one where Carrie, post Mr. Big, goes to see a therapist – Dr. G. She has an ‘A-Ha’ moment and realizes that she chooses the wrong men to date. It is not the men; it is in fact her fault.

I remember seeing this episode last summer, when the show first debuted on TBS. I had just broken up with a guy who was controlling and emotionally abusive. I remember thinking to myself, "Oh my god, I am just like’s me, I choose the wrong men.”

Now one might think I would have learned something about my bad pattern and made an effort to change it. HA! Not quite! A few months later I embarked on a new (dysfunctional) relationship with a guy with substance abuse/self-esteem issues. Pattern repeated.

Well you'll be happy to know that this relationship has ended as well. After seeing the episode for a second time, I can only hope that the message was heard loud and clear.

Stay tuned..Will I choose the wrong man again or will I learn for my past mistakes? Time will only tell, let's hope it’s the latter!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Music...Is My Anti Drug

Last week, I posted a review of Natasha Bedingfield's debut album Unwritten (see below).

Last night, I was lucky to see her perform live at her first New York City showcase. This girl can really sing. She started her 8-song set with If You're Gonna, a rockin' up-tempo number that set the tone for the set that followed. She closed with her hit single These Words, much to the audiences enjoyment. Bedingfield's true talent shined brightest when she belted out Wild Horses, accompanied by paino only.

Her voice is full and rich. Backed-up by two singers and a smoking hot band (did I say hot - her guitar player was so hot), the studio album really came to life on stage. I am always happy to see that real talent still exists in this world. Not like the manufactured acts that saturate the airwaves.

Natasha writes her own music, with the help of different collaborators. If you didn't get the album after my last review, please do so now. And if you hear that she is performing live in your town, make sure to check her out. Her music and personality shine on stage.

*Special note: If you buy the CD, please note that due to music piracy it has some special block on it that does not make it compatible with iPod's. Fortunately, there is a way around this, but it involves several extra steps, and software upgrades to allow you to rip the CD to iTunes. Please don't let this deter you from buying the CD. But if your goal is to add the music to you iPod, your best bet is to just buy the music straight from iTunes.

"Spontaneous Vacation"

I apologize for leaving everyone hanging for the past four days, but I was away this weekend and was unable to blog! I know, I know - the internet is available everywhere. I have no real excuse, except that I think it might be rude to blog during sex, right!?!?

While away on my impromptu vacation, I learned a few valuable lessons:
  1. People Lie
  2. Drugs Are Bad (why do people feel the need to do them?)
  3. Pools Are Great
  4. Sun+Fun= Happy Me
  5. Dead Jelly Fish can't sting you and look like silicon breast implants (the most important lesson learned!)

I'll spare you the details, but all in all I had a nice time -- with the usual drama that seems to follow me around.

I'm back...can you handle my reality?

Friday, August 05, 2005


In 1993, at the age of 16, I was profiled in my hometown newspaper. Each week the paper would feature a local high school student. The interview was conducted as a Q&A. I thought it be fun to post this Q&A with my answers from then and now! Enjoy.

This week's "Face" is Pablo Perez, 16, a junior at (A Lame) High School.

Pablo Perez


School and grade (Job):
(A lame) High School, junior.
Portfolio Assistant

My latest achievements:
Getting my driver's license.
Getting paid lots of money to do practically nothing all day at work!

My family in a nutshell:
Yes, we are a bit nutty!
Loving, caring, supportive and still nutty!

The best day in my life (so far):
Any opening night of a show I'm in, because of the great excitement.
The day I was featured on Access Hollywood as Spokesperson for MTNY.

My passions:
Singing, acting, musical theater and vests.
Pop music, entertainment, and sex.

If I were a smell, I would be . . .
almond extract.
almond extract.

The most important thing (or person) in my life is:
My music, my family and friends.
Most definitely still the same!

The last movie I saw was:
They are too expensive!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (FYI: Someone paid for me and movies are even more expensive today!)

The last book I read was:
"Lord of the Flies"
"The Mirror Cracked" by Agatha Christie

The hottest new band is:
I'll let you know when I find one.
Kelly Clarkson and her band.

I would title my autobiography:
"The Me Nobody Knows."
"No Habla Espanol: The life and times of Pable Perez" or "Hot Mess"

My favorite music video is:
MTV kills too many brain cells.(In my own defense we didn't have cable at my house in 1993)
"Cold Hearted Snake" - Paula Abdul or "Since You've Been Gone" - Kelly Clarkson.

I never miss this TV show:
"Garfield and Friends"
"America's Next Top Model"

Most overplayed song on the radio:
I listen to the oldies station, they are all overplayed by now!
I don't listen to the radio anymore, I have an iPod.

My favorite underplayed song:
"Three Little Fishes"(For anyone interested this was a song that was performed on the Lawernce Welk Show - which I watched every saturday night.)
Anything by Mel C, she is only big in the UK

My favorite commercial:
Toilet Duck
Geico Commercials

After I graduate, I'll . . .
go to college, and become an actor on Broadway.
This is not quite how it went.

My dream career:
Performing in musicals all over the country.
Hosting an entertainment program (See posting, Dream Job: Job Description below.)

My fantasy date:
The girl pays for everything! (Ok so this was a hint that maybe I was into men and maybe wanted a sugar daddy)
A romantic walk on a moon-lit beach, followed by a nice dinner of Rack of Lamb, finnished with a romp in the ocean!

I hate this trend:
Non-conformists, who are only conforming to each other.
Retro 80's - the 80's are over, move on!

This stereotype about teens really bugs me:
That we are not wise. Actually, we know a lot for our age, especially in this world we live in today.
I hate teenagers, they are dumb and don't know anything.

Success is . . .
living a happy life, doing all the things you really want to do.
Well put at age 16, Ditto!

The most pressing issue facing my generation:
Survival. There are so many diseases and financial problems.
Wondering if we will still get Social Security when we retire.

If you could tell President Clinton(Bush) one thing, it would be:
Find a way to relieve the burden on the middle class.
Hey dumb-ass, get out of office before you get us all killed!

If I were a car, I'd be:
1957 Chevrolet.
I would love to just have a car again - RIP, Bessie2

This drives me crazy about teachers:
Using the word HONORS to mean more work.
Ones who can't teach!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Writers Blog-ck

It is too hot to write today. I think the extreme heat in NYC has dried up my well of wit and humor.

However, I am really excited to watch Kathy Griffin's two specials on Bravo tonight. Maybe her comedy will inspire me. She may see the D-list as failure, but at this point I would be happy just to be on a list.

The Quote of the Day comes from tonight's episode of Fox's new show, So You Think You Can Dance:

"I don't care if he danced for Britney or Jesus, I'm still gonna bring it!"

I think this is going to be my new motto!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Music Makes Me Loose Control

If you're like me, you know that new albums drop on Tuesday. Why Tuesday? I don't know , but I promise to find out and post it on here soon.

That said, go out and get Natasha Bedingfield's debut album, Unwritten*! If that last name sounds farmiliar, you're right. Natasha's older brother is Daniel Bedingfield. His hit singles, Gotta Get Through This and If You're Not The One were big about two years ago.

Natasha's current single These Words is on heavy rotation on MTV and VH1, and with good reason, this girl can write a catchy hook. The video was shot on location in Rio, lucky her.

Her ablum has already achieved number one status in her native UK and is certified triple platinum. Hopes are that she'll be able to mirror this success here in the US.

Favorite tracks from the album include the hip-hop flavored Single, the mid-tempo pop ballad Unwritten and the rock infused If You're Gonna! Even though she has written songs in different styles, they are all unmistakingly Natasha. Do you self a favor, and get this album now.

*For a limited time you can listen to the entire album on AOL music. Just log on to

Monday, August 01, 2005

How Do I Forget?

I know two posts in one day...bear with me ok.

This one goes out to PHW (damn you for being on my mind!):

You left my life without saying goodbye
Perhaps it was my fault
But you are equally to blame
I miss our daily e-mails
They once brightened my days
But all that is gone
And a good thing that is
But how do I forget?

Dream Job, Job Description:

It would be nice to be independently wealthy and not have to work, but I am not Paris Hilton so I guess I'll have to suck it up and work(preferably at a job that I like).

That said, I think it would be helpful to put out to the universe a description of the dream job that I am looking for.

My theory on jobs is a bit utopist; I mean I think it is important to enjoy what one does for a living, right? Not that the world would work if this were true, unfortunately someone has to do the stuff no one wants to do. That is kind of sad when you think about it really. But having said that, I've done stuff that I've hated and think it is my turn to enjoy working for once.

I've always enjoyed the world of entertainment. I love to get lost in the fantasy of a great movie, musical or TV show. And music is extremely important to me. Many artists, both new and old, provide the eclectic soundtrack to my life.

While I originally thought I would work as an entertainer, those dreams quickly faded when I realized all the sacrifices that were involved (enough said)!

So here's what I am looking for:

Ideally I would like to work in television, in front of the camera (or behind the scenes). I want to work on a show that deals with the pop culture and entertainment - I love to be in the know about Jessica Simpson was seen recently kissing in a bar, and if Britney Spears is having twins - but I also want to talk to artists about their art and the craft as well as the business of entertainment.

This said job could be as host (ideally) or as a producer or booker. I'd even be the publicist for this type of show (as you might know that is what I used to do for a living). I truly believe that other people like me what to know more about the artistry and business. -
I want to be able to attend premiers, concerts and junkets. Travel the world on assignment, yet still have time to have a life and a healthy relationship.

If anyone knows where I might apply for such a job, please let me know. Otherwise this starry eyed dreamer will continue to pine away for the day that his dreams really do come true.