In 1993, at the age of 16, I was profiled in my hometown newspaper. Each week the paper would feature a local high school student. The interview was conducted as a Q&A. I thought it be fun to post this Q&A with my answers from then and
now! Enjoy.
This week's "Face" is Pablo Perez, 16, a junior at (A Lame) High School.
Pablo Perez
School and grade (Job):
(A lame) High School, junior.
Portfolio AssistantMy latest achievements:
Getting my driver's license.
Getting paid lots of money to do practically nothing all day at work!
My family in a nutshell:
Yes, we are a bit nutty!
Loving, caring, supportive and still nutty!
The best day in my life (so far):
Any opening night of a show I'm in, because of the great excitement.
The day I was featured on Access Hollywood as Spokesperson for MTNY.
My passions:
Singing, acting, musical theater and vests.
Pop music, entertainment, and sex.
If I were a smell, I would be . . .
almond extract.
almond extract.The most important thing (or person) in my life is:
My music, my family and friends.
Most definitely still the same!
The last movie I saw was:
They are too expensive!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (FYI: Someone paid for me and movies are even more expensive today!)The last book I read was:
"Lord of the Flies"
"The Mirror Cracked" by Agatha Christie
The hottest new band is:
I'll let you know when I find one.
Kelly Clarkson and her band.
I would title my autobiography:
"The Me Nobody Knows."
"No Habla Espanol: The life and times of Pable Perez" or "Hot Mess"
My favorite music video is:
MTV kills too many brain cells.(In my own defense we didn't have cable at my house in 1993)
"Cold Hearted Snake" - Paula Abdul or "Since You've Been Gone" - Kelly Clarkson.
I never miss this TV show:
"Garfield and Friends"
"America's Next Top Model"
Most overplayed song on the radio:
I listen to the oldies station, they are all overplayed by now!
I don't listen to the radio anymore, I have an iPod.
My favorite underplayed song:
"Three Little Fishes"(For anyone interested this was a song that was performed on the Lawernce Welk Show - which I watched every saturday night.)
Anything by Mel C, she is only big in the UK
My favorite commercial:
Toilet Duck
Geico Commercials
After I graduate, I'll . . .
go to college, and become an actor on Broadway.
This is not quite how it went.
My dream career:
Performing in musicals all over the country.
Hosting an entertainment program (See posting, Dream Job: Job Description below.)
My fantasy date:
The girl pays for everything! (Ok so this was a hint that maybe I was into men and maybe wanted a sugar daddy)
A romantic walk on a moon-lit beach, followed by a nice dinner of Rack of Lamb, finnished with a romp in the ocean!I hate this trend:
Non-conformists, who are only conforming to each other.
Retro 80's - the 80's are over, move on!
This stereotype about teens really bugs me:
That we are not wise. Actually, we know a lot for our age, especially in this world we live in today.
I hate teenagers, they are dumb and don't know anything.Success is . . .
living a happy life, doing all the things you really want to do.
Well put at age 16, Ditto!The most pressing issue facing my generation:
Survival. There are so many diseases and financial problems.
Wondering if we will still get Social Security when we retire.If you could tell President Clinton(Bush) one thing, it would be:
Find a way to relieve the burden on the middle class.
Hey dumb-ass, get out of office before you get us all killed!
If I were a car, I'd be:
1957 Chevrolet.
I would love to just have a car again - RIP, Bessie2
This drives me crazy about teachers:
Using the word HONORS to mean more work.
Ones who can't teach!