Once upon a time in a magical city called Man-Hattan, a handsome young man named Pablo got lost in the urban jungle while searching for a new mate. To help find his way, Pablo stopped at an Internet Cafe to surf the Web. While online, he met a nice man who offered to help. Internet Bear was a wordsmith and knew all the right things to say. The two men agreed to meet for coffee in hopes of making a love connection. Pablo feared that this witty and charming bear might not be as dynamic in person as he was on the web. He was wrong! Internet Bear was funny, dynamic and they shared several common interests. The only problem was that there was no physical connection. Internet Bear was handsome, but Pablo did not want to leap across the table into his arms. The two parted ways with a promise to meet again one day.
Feeling dejected Pablo walked the streets until he stumbled upon a bar. Pablo walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. Next to him was a tall, dark and handsome stranger. They exchanged glances and finally Pablo broke the ice and said "Hello!" "G-day Mate," the stranger, replied. After an hour of talking, Pablo found out that this mysterious man was from Australia, but had just recently moved to Man-Hattan. The two immediately connected. The shared common interests, loves and fears. The physical connection was incredible as the two could not keep there hands off each other. As the night drew to a close, Pablo asked Aussie Bear if he could get his number. Aussie Bear hesitated, and then divulged that he was already committed to Greek Bear and really should not be carrying on this way.
Devastated, Pablo left the bar and curled up on a nearby bench to take a nap. The next morning, he knew he should find a store and buy some new clothes and perhaps some products to protect his skin from the harsh urban climate. He found his way to a department store, and bought a new outfit (jeans and black T-shirt).
Dressed for the hunt, Pablo headed to the cosmetics counter to buy some moisturizer, even when you’re lost, good skincare is important - premature again is not cute. While at the counter, Pablo locked eyes with the most handsome man in the land. He was hot! It is worth repeating - He was hot! He had Salt & Pepper hair, an amazing smile, a muscled body and a hairy chest. He was so Pablo's type! Cosmetics Bear was attracted to Pablo as well. As the two discussed skincare, they managed to flirt, laugh and connect. Cosmetics Bear was getting off of work shortly, and asked Pablo if he would like to go to dinner. Pablo had been lost for several days, and had only had drinks the night before so he was starving.
They left the store and headed for an Indian Restaurant. The two men were obviously attracted to one another, the smolder stares were a dead give-a-way. But Pablo was cautious from his last encounter with Aussie Bear and didn’t act on his impulses - despite how badly he wanted to jump over the table and take Cosmetics Bear right there on the table, he resisted. The two discussed everything from taste in music to leisure time activities as well as many other "getting to know you topics". Unfortunately, despite the strong physical connection, it appeared that the two had nothing in common what so ever. This worried Pablo, because he had dated someone like this before and it didn't last more than a year -- the lack of things in common eventually tore them apart. They kissed goodnight (and oh what a kiss it was) and promised to meet again one day.
Pablo was confused and felt so alone. All he wanted was to find the right Bear, but Internet Bear was too lumpy, Aussie Bear was unavailable and Cosmetics Bear was too different. No one was just right...what was Pablo to do??? He felt that he would be single forever, and lost in the streets of Man-Hattan.